Visualizing Presented Data about E-Books and E-Reading

Through a hyperlink I found on a Buzzfeed article (check it out– very applicable to my topic!) I was transferred to an article on the PewResearch Center, a nonpartisan fact tank in Washington D.C., that used data visualizations to discuss the reality of e-books and e-reading, as well as the overall effect of the digital age on print books. While I didn’t necessarily enjoy this kind of highly academic writing, I did enjoy developing my own conclusions from the acquired data.

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Visualizing Presented Data about E-Books and E-Reading

A Close Up on Ann Arbor’s Literati Bookstore

The written word is one of the most noticeable casualties of the digital age.  Books are becoming Nooks and Kindles, bookstores are disappearing, and authors, compared to previous writers of earlier generations, have less of an influence than ever before.

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A Close Up on Ann Arbor’s Literati Bookstore